remember your virtue. redemption lies plainly intruth.

how the most dangerous thing is to love.

a high fantasy lore setting.



Elysarion is a vast, diverse land, with its geography ranging from the mystical Emerald Forests in the North, known for their magically glowing flora and fauna, to the Sunscorched Deserts in the South, home to ancient ruins and secrets buried under the sands. The central region is dominated by the Great Eldurin Mountains, a natural barrier that divides the land and is rumored to be the dwelling place of dragons. To the east lies the Shimmering Coast, with bustling port cities that connect Elysarion to distant lands across the sea.SOCIETIES AND KINGDOMS. The world is a melting pot of various kingdoms and tribes, each with its own unique culture, magic, and traditions. In the West, the Kingdom of Edloria boasts formidable dragon riders and grand castles, while the Eastern Isles of Aryllia known for their skilled seafarers and enchanting sea serpents. The Northern regions are home to the reclusive Grom'kar Orcs, whereas the Eldervale holds a federation of merchant cities, thriving in trade and espionage.

MAGIC AND LORE. Magic in Elysarion is as diverse as its inhabitants, influenced by the land itself. It ranges from the elemental magics practiced in the mountain monasteries to the subtle, mind-bending spells of the Southern mages. Ancient artifacts and relics are scattered throughout the land, each holding untold powers and histories.



The Eldurin Mountains are ancient, their peaks reaching towards the heavens long before the first orc or human set foot in their shadow. Legends speak of primordial spirits that dwell within the stone, shaping the land and influencing the destinies of those who dare to call it home.It was amidst these rugged peaks that the orcs of Grom'kar established their village, drawn to the raw power and untamed beauty of the mountains. For centuries, they lived in harmony with the land, their culture shaped by the harsh realities of mountain life—survival, strength, and kinship.In contrast, the Kingdom of Aldercrest emerged from the fertile valleys that lie at the feet of the Eldurin Mountains. Founded by a line of kings and queens, Aldercrest flourished as a center of trade and culture, its people nurturing a deep connection to the land and the spirits that dwell within it.

WAR BETWEEN GROM'KAR AND ALDERCREST. Conflict between Grom'kar and Aldercrest erupted centuries ago, fueled by disputes over territory, resources, and cultural differences. Skirmishes and battles were fought in the Valley of Echoes, a strategic corridor nestled between the mountains and the hills of Aldercrest.The war brought untold suffering to both sides, with the land bearing the scars of their struggles. It was a time of hardship and sacrifice, as generations of orcs and humans clashed in a seemingly endless cycle of violence.However, amidst the chaos and bloodshed, there were moments of courage and compassion. Stories of heroism and acts of kindness emerged from the battlefield, reminding both sides of their shared humanity amidst the chaos of war.

CULTURE AND TRADITIONS. Despite their differences, the cultures of Grom'kar and Aldercrest share common threads woven into the fabric of their societies. Both place great importance on honor, loyalty, and respect for the land.In Grom'kar, rituals and traditions are deeply rooted in the cycles of nature and the spirits of the mountains. Shamanic ceremonies are held to honor the ancestors and seek their guidance, while festivals celebrate the changing seasons and the bounty of the land.In Aldercrest, festivals and fairs are vibrant celebrations of art, music, and craftsmanship. The people take pride in their traditions, from the intricate dances performed at the Harvest Festival to the solemn ceremonies held at the Temple of the Four Winds.

ERA OF PEACE. After centuries of conflict, peace finally dawned upon the Eldurin Mountains with the proposed marriage of Brak Ironfist, chief of Grom'kar, to the Lord's daughter of Aldercrest. This union symbolized a new era of cooperation and understanding between the orcs and humans, marking the beginning of a fragile but hopeful peace.
Trade routes were opened between Grom'kar and Aldercrest, fostering economic prosperity and cultural exchange. New settlements sprung up in the Valley of Echoes, serving as living testaments to the power of reconciliation and the resilience of the human and orcish spirit.
As the sun sets over the Eldurin Mountains, casting its golden light upon the valleys below, there is a sense of hope and possibility in the air—a belief that, perhaps, the scars of the past can be healed, and a brighter future forged amidst the shadows of the mountains. 



of grom'kar

ㅤname.ㅤㅤBrak Ironfist.
ㅤtraits.ㅤㅤProtective, Loyal, Strategically Astute, Stubborn, Wary of Outsiders, Reluctant to Change
ㅤeye colour.ㅤㅤamber.
ㅤhair.ㅤㅤlong, black.
ㅤbuild.ㅤㅤbulky, muscular.
ㅤscent.ㅤㅤPine, wood smoke.
ㅤsummarised biography.ㅤㅤBrak Ironfist has led Grom'kar through some of its darkest and brightest days. Born to the sound of hammers and the glow of forge fire, Brak was raised with the expectation of leadership. His father, the previous chief, instilled in him a sense of duty and the importance of strength—both of muscle and character. Brak's youth was spent in the throes of conflict, his rite of passage into adulthood marked by the clashing of orcish steel against the armor of the human kingdom's soldiers. The war with the neighboring human kingdom lasted decades, with the land soaked in the blood of both orcs and humans. Brak, growing weary of the never-ending conflict, sought a different path. When the opportunity for peace presented itself through marriage to the Lord's daughter, Brak saw it not as a sacrifice but as a necessary step towards a future where his people could thrive without the constant shadow of war

ㅤname.ㅤㅤBrondar Ironheart.
ㅤtraits.ㅤㅤCompassionate, Generous, Patient, Melancholic, Overly Self-critical, Reluctant to Open Up
ㅤeye colour.ㅤㅤdeep brown.
ㅤhair.ㅤㅤlong, salt and pepper.
ㅤbuild.ㅤㅤbulky, muscular.
ㅤscent.ㅤㅤwood smoke and sweat.
ㅤsummarised biography.ㅤㅤBrondar Ironheart has always been the lifeblood of Grom'kar's forge. His skill as a blacksmith is unmatched, and his creations are as much works of art as they are tools or weapons. Brondar's life took a sorrowful turn when his beloved wife succumbed to a rampant sickness that the healers could not cure. Since then, the forge has been his solace, the rhythmic hammering a kind of meditation through his grief. With the opening of trade routes to Aldercrest, Brondar found a new purpose in fostering relations with the humans, his craftsmanship becoming a bridge between the two cultures. His openness has made him a beloved figure not only within Grom'kar but also among the human merchants who eagerly trade for his work. Still, as the sun sets and the forge cools, Brondar feels the pang of loneliness, the space his wife left behind still a hollow echo in his heart.



DAWN OF DRAGON RIDERS. The history of Eldoria's Dragon Riders stretches back to the Age of Awakening when humans and dragons were foes, competing for dominion over land and sky. It was during this tumultuous time that Aeryn the Unifier, a warrior of great valor and wisdom, discovered the first Dragonheart—a gem of immense power that facilitated a bond between dragon and human. This monumental event led to the First Great Accord, a peace treaty between dragons and humans, marking the birth of the first Dragon Rider and the founding of the Eldorian Dracaneum, an academy dedicated to nurturing this sacred bond.

THE DRACANEUM.The Eldorian Dracaneum stands atop the ancient cliffs of Eldor's Edge, a testament to the unity between dragon and rider. Over centuries, it has grown from a humble gathering of the first bonded pairs to a sprawling complex of towers, halls, and training grounds. The academy is not just a place of learning but a crucible where the spirits of dragons and riders meld to become guardians of peace and protectors of the realm.WAY OF THE RIDER.Being a Dragon Rider is more than a title; it's a way of life. Riders and their dragons share a bond that transcends the physical, communicating through emotions and thoughts. This connection fosters a deep understanding and respect for the balance of nature, the value of life, and the importance of duty to Eldoria and each other.


  • The Battle of the Crimson Skies: A pivotal conflict where the Dragon Riders turned the tide against the marauding Sky Pirates from the Outer Isles, solidifying their role as defenders of Eldoria.

  • The Era of Expansion: A period of exploration where Dragon Riders discovered new lands and civilizations, expanding Eldoria's horizons and bringing about an age of prosperity and knowledge exchange.

  • The Night of Falling Stars: A catastrophic event where a meteor shower threatened Eldoria, but was averted by the Dragon Riders, who, led by the Grand Dragonmaster, broke through the heavens to shatter the meteors, saving the realm.


  • The Bonding Ceremony: A sacred rite where new cadets form their lifelong bonds with dragons, celebrated during the Festival of the Eternal Flame.

  • The Trial of Wings: An annual event where bonded pairs demonstrate their skills, competing in challenges of flight, combat, and strategy, fostering camaraderie and excellence.

  • The Feast of the Dragon Moon: A night of remembrance and celebration under the full moon, honoring the fallen riders and dragons, marked by storytelling, music, and the release of lanterns into the sky.




The Eldorian Dracaneum was founded centuries ago, following the first Great Dragon Accord when humans and dragons formed an alliance. It was established by Aeryn the Unifier, a legendary hero who was the first to bond with a dragon. Over the ages, the academy has become the heart of dragon lore and the crucible where riders and dragons forge unbreakable bonds.Training at the Eldorian Dracaneum is both rigorous and holistic, designed to educate and shape the body, mind, and spirit of potential riders. It includes combat training, dragon care, aerial tactics, history, diplomacy, and magical studies, particularly focusing on the unique magic that bonds riders and dragons.

First Year - The Grounding

  • Cadets learn the history of the Dracaneum and basic dragon lore.

  • Introduction to dragon physiology and basic care.

  • Physical conditioning and martial training without dragons.

  • Studies on the ancient language of dragons for better communication.

Second Year - The Ascent

  • Cadets are taught the importance of the mental and emotional connection with dragons.

  • Initial interactions with young dragons begin.

  • Training in the basics of dragonback riding.

  • Study of draconic ecosystems and dragon behavior.

Third Year - The Bonding

  • Cadets undergo the sacred Bonding Ritual where dragons choose their riders.

  • Bonded pairs start basic flight training and simple aerial maneuvers.

  • Lessons on the ethical use of dragon magic.

  • Emphasis on teamwork and unit cohesion with other bonded pairs.

Fourth Year - The Soaring

  • Advanced flight training and complex aerial tactics.

  • Bonded pairs learn to fight together; cadets learn advanced combat while mounted.

  • Training in survival skills, both in wilderness and while on campaign.

  • Study of dragon-related magics and their applications.

Fifth Year - The Wielding

  • Cadets choose specializations such as reconnaissance, combat, or diplomacy.

  • Specialized training missions that mimic real-world scenarios.

  • Cadets learn leadership and command skills.

  • Exploration of deeper dragon lore and ancient histories.

Sixth Year - The Mastery

  • Cadets and their dragons undertake a series of final trials to prove their readiness.

  • Advanced studies in strategy, history, and politics.

  • Focus on mastering the unique skills of their chosen specialization.

  • Preparation for the graduation ceremony and final acceptance into the ranks.


crimson flame.

Scale ColorBreath WeaponSizeTail Shape
shades of redfire or lava40 feet longLong and whip-like, with a flame-shaped tip.

azure storm.

Scale ColorBreath WeaponSizeTail Shape
shades of bluelightning30 feet longBroad and flat, almost fin-like.

emerald forest.

Scale ColorBreath WeaponSizeTail Shape
shades of greenacid, seeds/spores25 feet longprehensile, with leaf-like extensions.

golden sun.

Scale ColorBreath WeaponSizeTail Shape
gold & whitelight/radiant45 feet longthick and powerful, with a sunburst pattern at the tip.

obsidian night.

Scale ColorBreath WeaponSizeTail Shape
black with star like shimmersshadowy mist30 feet longtapering to a sharp, blade-like end.


ironhead earth.

Scale ColorBreath WeaponSizeTail Shape
metallic shades of different metalmolten rock40 feet longThick and powerful with a mace-like end.

dune whisperer.

Scale ColorBreath WeaponSizeTail Shape
sandy huessand & glass30 feet longLong and flexible with a tufted end.

frost glacier.

Scale ColorBreath WeaponSizeTail Shape
icey blues to whiteicy wind/shards35 feet longthick and furred, ending in a crystalline formation.


Grand dragonmaster

  • High General of the Dragon Riders.

  • Oversees all quadrants and strategic operations.

  • Typically a rider of immense experience with a legendary dragon.

Dragonlord Commanders

  • High General of the Dragon Riders.

  • Oversees all quadrants and strategic operations.

  • Typically a rider of immense experience with a legendary dragon.

Vanguard Cohort

  • Ranks: Iron Initiate, Iron Sentinel, Iron Warden, Iron Commander.

  • Duties: Leading the frontline, managing defenses, and overseeing battlefield strategies.

tempest cohort

  • Ranks: Zephyr Scout, Gale Rider, Storm Vanguard, Tempest Marshal.

  • Duties: Conducting reconnaissance, executing rapid assault tactics, and ensuring fast response times.

verdant cohort

  • Ranks: Seedling Squire, Thicket Knight, Canopy Guardian, Forest Marshal.

  • Duties: Ensuring survival training, engaging in subterfuge and guerrilla tactics, and handling diplomatic missions related to the wilds.

dawn cohort

  • Ranks: Daybreak Cadet, Radiant Strategist, Solar Envoy, Dawn Marshal.

  • Duties: Developing long-term strategies, overseeing elite missions, and managing critical wartime operations.

dusk cohort

  • Ranks: Twilight Spy, Shadow Tracker, Eclipse Agent, Dusk Marshal.

  • Duties: Performing espionage, executing covert operations, and managing intelligence activities.


training divisions

  • Lore Keepers: Specialists in dragon lore and history, providing knowledge and tactical support.

  • Drake Trainers: Expert riders focused on training both dragons and riders in combat and bonding techniques.

training divisions

  • Elder Wings: Esteemed title for retired riders who serve as counselors and trainers based on their legendary experience.

  • Sky Envoys: Select riders tasked with representing the Dragon Riders in diplomatic endeavors across various realms





ㅤname.ㅤㅤCain dravenheart.
ㅤtraits.ㅤㅤStrategically gifted, courageous, fiercely loyal, imposing, can be perceived as aloof, struggles with patience
ㅤeye colour.ㅤㅤicy blue.
ㅤhair.ㅤㅤlong, white.
ㅤbuild.ㅤㅤlean, muscular.
ㅤvoice.ㅤㅤCommanding, melodic.
ㅤscent.ㅤㅤozone and citrus.
ㅤsummarised biography.ㅤㅤCain was born into the noble House of Dravenheart, a lineage known for producing powerful dragon riders. From a young age, he exhibited an affinity for the dragons, often found conversing silently with hatchlings in the ancestral rookery. His determination and skill shone throughout his training, and he quickly ascended the ranks within the Azure Storm Quadrant, specializing in reconnaissance and strategy. His bond with his dragon, a rare and majestic Azure Storm Dragon named Zephyrix, was formed under dramatic circumstances. During a storm unlike any other, a young Cain braved the tempest to rescue an Azure egg at risk of being destroyed. The broodmother of that egg, Zephyrix, chose Cain as its rider years later during the ‘Call of the Heart’.


ㅤname.ㅤㅤflynn redwind.
ㅤtraits.ㅤㅤQuick-thinking, adaptable, inherently optimistic, impulsive, can be irreverent, sometimes underestimates danger.
ㅤeye colour.ㅤㅤHeterochromia, left eye is brown, right eye is blue.
ㅤhair.ㅤㅤshoulder length, red.
ㅤbuild.ㅤㅤlean, muscular.
ㅤvoice.ㅤㅤQuick-witted and playful.
ㅤscent.ㅤㅤwood smoke and amber.
ㅤsummarised biography.ㅤㅤFlynn was born to a family of scholars, expected to follow in the footsteps of his lineage. However, his heart yearned for the skies. His journey was not straightforward; he had to prove his worth beyond the written word and demonstrate his courage. His bond with a young Crimson Flame Dragon, named Pyrrhus, was as unexpected as it was fierce. Pyrrhus, with scales the color of a sunset and a spirit is indomitable as Flynn's, chose him on a day when the flames of the training grounds burned a bit too wildly, sensing a kindred spirit in the chaos. Together, they have soared through ranks, not through tradition, but through daring feats and an unorthodox approach that has proven effective more often than not. Flynn's unbridled enthusiasm and Pyrrhus's fiery breath have become a staple in the quadrant's offensive maneuvers.



Welcome to the Kingdom of Eldervale, a realm where the lines between man and myth blur, ruled by the noble House of Aelwynn. This vast kingdom, set in a world where the echoes of ancient magic still whisper through the forests and mountains, is home to a diverse array of demi-human clans, each bearing the distinctive traits of the animals they are kin to. The Aelwynn dynasty, known for their majestic eagle features - sharp eyes and proud, feathered crests - has held the throne of Eldervale for centuries, guiding the kingdom through periods of peace and turmoil with wisdom and a keen strategic vision.Eldervale is a tapestry of contrasting landscapes, from the towering Frostpeak Mountains, home to the bear clans of House Ursangar, known for their formidable strength and unwavering courage, to the lush, verdant woods of Silvergrove, where the wolf clans of House Wulfharth roam. These wolf-blooded folk are celebrated trackers and hunters, moving with unmatched grace and pack unity. Across the Emerald Sea, the isles of Skyrise serve as the domain for the bird clans, including the ruling House of Aelwynn, where intricate politics and aerial prowess decide one's fate.Beneath the surface of this seemingly harmonious kingdom lies a complex web of alliances, rivalries, and ancient secrets. The demi-human houses vie for power, influence, and control over Eldervale's resources, using their unique abilities to gain an edge in the never-ending game of thrones. From the shadowy plots of the serpent kin in the swamplands of Darkmire to the steadfast loyalty of the deer clans in the meadows of Hartwood, Eldervale is a realm where magic, intrigue, and the wild heart of nature intertwine, setting the stage for epic tales of adventure, betrayal, and heroism.


Alliances & Allegiances

  • Aelwynn and Hawkridge: House Aelwynn, ruling from the skies, has a natural ally in House Hawkridge, with both houses valuing the freedom and perspective the skies provide. This alliance is fortified through marriages and joint military training exercises, ensuring dominance in aerial combat and reconnaissance across Eldervale.

  • Wulfharth and Frostclaw: The wolf clans of House Wulfharth form an uneasy alliance with the polar bear warriors of House Frostclaw. This partnership, born from mutual respect for each other's martial prowess, focuses on protecting the northern borders of Eldervale from external threats.

  • Leonar and Tigrain: House Leonar, with its noble lion-hearted warriors, finds an unlikely ally in House Tigrain. The leonine sense of honor complements the tigers' stealth, creating a powerful force for both defense and retribution. Their alliance is also a strategic move to counterbalance the power of the northern houses.

Rivalries & Enemies

  • Ursangar and Frostclaw: A rivalry as old as Eldervale itself, the bear clans of Ursangar and Frostclaw vie for control over the Frostpeak Mountains. Their disputes often revolve around territorial claims and access to scarce resources in the harsh mountainous terrain.

  • Corvyn and Dovecote: The intellectual and secretive House Corvyn often finds itself at odds with the peaceful and open House Dovecote. Corvyn's manipulation and espionage clash with Dovecote's ideals of diplomacy and healing, leading to political and sometimes physical skirmishes.

Secrets & Ties

  • Aelwynn and Corvyn: Unknown to many, House Aelwynn secretly relies on the intelligence gathered by House Corvyn to maintain its grip on power. This clandestine arrangement allows Aelwynn to act on threats before they materialize, keeping their rule secure but morally ambiguous.

  • Elkrune and Ramhart: A secret pact exists between House Elkrune and House Ramhart, rooted in an ancient prophecy. This prophecy speaks of a time when the forest and the mountain must stand together against a darkness that will sweep over Eldervale. This deep, mystical bond compels them to support each other, even when their interests seem to diverge.

Ties of Blood & Honor

  • Wulfharth and Leonar: A bond of honor and blood ties House Wulfharth and House Leonar, forged during a great battle where the wolves and lions fought side by side against a common foe. This bond is celebrated annually in a festival that commemorates their shared victory and enduring friendship.

  • Frostclaw and Dovecote: In a surprising twist of fate, a member of House Frostclaw was saved by a healer of House Dovecote during a skirmish in the north. This act of mercy led to an unlikely friendship, creating a bridge of peace between the icy warriors and the gentle doves.






House Name:
House Motto:
"Soar Above the Rest"
House Crest:
An eagle in flight, clutching arrows in its talons
House Colors:
Gold and Sky Blue

King Aerion

Princ Orion

Queen Jane

Crown Prince Alan

Prince Lucan

House Name:
House Motto: "Strength in Solidarity"
House Crest:
A brown bear standing upright, with a mountain backdrop
House Colors:
Deep Brown and Forest Green

Lord Bran

Lady Iva

Lady Morwen

Lord Beric, Heir

Captain Ayla

ㅤname.ㅤㅤsigarr frostclaw.
ㅤtraits.ㅤㅤUnyielding, wise, protective, stern, solitary, inflexible.
ㅤeye colour.ㅤㅤicy blue.
ㅤhair.ㅤㅤshoulder length, white.
ㅤbuild.ㅤㅤbulky, muscular.
ㅤvoice.ㅤㅤresonant, low timbre.
ㅤscent.ㅤㅤfresh now and berries.
ㅤsummarised biography.ㅤㅤBorn into the harshest climate of Eldervale, Sigarr's life began amidst a great storm that foretold his tempestuous reign. His early years were marked by the sudden death of his elder kin in the same blizzard that welcomed him into the world, leaving his family's legacy resting prematurely on his young shoulders. From that point, the unforgiving icy wilderness was both his tutor and his charge, teaching him the harsh lessons of nature's indifference and the importance of strength and wisdom in leadership. The isolation of his homeland shaped Sigarr into a man of few words; his communication with his people often came in the form of decisive action rather than lengthy discourse. He was a young man when he first led a party to track and defeat a marauding ice troll that had threatened their lands, a victory that earned him the nickname "The Ice-Born." From then on, Sigarr's rule was as much about safeguarding his people from the threats within their icy realm as it was about protecting their interests from the political machinations of the southern houses. Sigarr's life took a turn that would define his solitary path when his sister's family perished in a tragic avalanche, leaving him to raise his young nephew, Eirik. This event hardened Sigarr's heart against the perils of attachment, reinforcing his belief in the necessity of an unbreakable front against all adversities. As Eirik grew under his tutelage, Sigarr saw a new hope for House Frostclaw's future—a hope that tempered the ever-present chill of his own solitude.

ㅤname.ㅤㅤelden ramheart.
ㅤtraits.ㅤㅤCharismatic leader, fiercely loyal, strategically minded, Impulsive, stubborn, can be overly protective.
ㅤeye colour.ㅤㅤblue.
ㅤhair.ㅤㅤcropped short, black.
ㅤbuild.ㅤㅤbulky, muscular.
ㅤvoice.ㅤㅤCommanding baritone.
ㅤscent.ㅤㅤpine needles and copper.
ㅤsummarised biography.ㅤㅤElden was born as the first light of dawn crested over the Frostpeak Mountains, his arrival heralded by the highland seers as an omen of a steadfast leader. From his earliest days, Elden's life was a tapestry woven with the traditions and expectations of House Ramhart. Raised in the cradle of the highlands, his childhood was an arduous but privileged one, where the cold mountain winds were as much a part of his training as the sword and shield he would come to wield. He was not only taught the art of combat but also the lore of the land, the names of every peak and the tales of the ancient ones who first carved a life from the unforgiving stone. As Elden grew, so did his responsibilities. The scar beneath his eye was earned during a solitary trial that all Ramhart heirs must endure – a testament to their readiness to lead. Alone, Elden ventured into the untamed wilds of Eldervale, armed with naught but a blade and his wits. For seven days and nights, he braved the elements, fought off mountain predators, and navigated treacherous terrain. He returned not just with the scar but with a newfound respect for the land and its creatures, and a quiet confidence that resonated with the people of his house. It was this trial that cemented his reputation as the future of House Ramhart. Yet, with each passing year, the weight of his birthright pressed more heavily upon Elden's broad shoulders. He learned to temper his youthful recklessness with the wisdom of a ruler-to-be, always conscious of the delicate balance between tradition and the necessity for change. Under his father's tutelage, Elden's natural charisma and strength were honed into the tools of leadership. And while he embraced his role wholeheartedly, there were moments when the expectation of his people felt like the mountains themselves were resting upon him. In those times, he would retreat into the solitude of the peaks, finding peace in the silent majesty of his future kingdom.

ㅤname.ㅤㅤberic ursangar.
ㅤtraits.ㅤㅤLoyal, strong-willed, aggressive, protective, conflicted, traditional, stoic, occasionally impulsive.
ㅤeye colour.ㅤㅤbrown.
ㅤhair.ㅤㅤcropped short, brown.
ㅤbuild.ㅤㅤbulky, muscular.
ㅤvoice.ㅤㅤdeep, nothern accent.
ㅤscent.ㅤㅤpine wood and cold mountain air.
ㅤsummarised biography.ㅤ

  • Born as the firstborn son to Lord Bran Ursangar.

  • Raised in the harsh, cold environment of the Frostpeak Mountains.

  • Trained in combat and leadership from a young age.

  • Witnessed his father’s growing obsession with claiming all of Frostpeak.

  • Often conflicted between his loyalty to his father and his mother’s more diplomatic approach.

  • Played a key role in several border skirmishes against House Frostclaw.

  • Believes deeply that Frostpeak is the rightful domain of his house.